Using .exclude(boolean_field=True) in Django and Postgres

Feb 15, 2022

A common Postgres “gotcha” I’ve run into before is the handling of NULL values. Equality comparisons in Postgres to NULL are neither true nor false.

Consider this data set:


id name boolean_field
1 Sample A True
2 Sample B False
3 Sample C NULL

In Postgres, if we perform SELECT * FROM sample_table WHERE boolean_field = TRUE;, we’ll get our expected one row.

id name boolean_field
1 Sample A True

That translates in Django to SampleTable.objects.filter(boolean_field=True).

Great, we get what we expect!

But now consider SampleTable.objects.all().exclude(boolean_field=True). We’d expect to get the 2nd and 3rd rows right?

Wrong! Django translates that query as SELECT * FROM sample_table WHERE NOT(boolean_field = True);. Since comparisons to NULL values are neither true nor false, this statement only returns the second row.

id name boolean_field
2 Sample B False

I wish Django would translate this using the special IS NOT operator.

SELECT * FROM sample_table WHERE boolean_field IS NOT True;

That returns the rows we expect.